What to Do and Not to Do with Make-Up

By: Dr. Jetske Ultee
What to Do and Not to Do with Make-Up
It is high on the list of annoyances in Japan: applying your make-up in the train. Fellow passengers find it disturbing and unhygienic. Where and how do you make yourself up? Five things to do and not to do with make-up. 
  1. Making yourself up on the way: not recommended

What a saving grace that rear view mirror is… Such as for touching up your lipstick or mascara when you are in a traffic jam or at the traffic lights. Obviously, we don’t need to tell you that it is not recommended. Making yourself up on the train? Let’s be honest. It doesn’t really look attractive, from those gaping mouths, tongues sticking out and the face gurning in order to get that perfect line? In Japan, at least, they find it very off-putting to see, according to a national poll on etiquette. We aren’t Japanese, but we can relate to these findings. So get up on time, and you won’t need to get ready on the way.
  1. Sharing make-up? Best not

It was not such a big shock, the results of a study, carried out by the Tabriz University in Iran, into the shared use of make-up in beauty salons and shops. This is quite frankly unhygienic. In the 52 tested make-up products for eyes and skin the researchers found an impressive mixture of microbial inhabitants such as mould and bacteria. They found, among other things, candida, E.coli, various staphylococci and even salmonella- and klebsiella bacteria. Powders and eye liners proved to be the richest source of mould. Put simply, beware of testers and make-up sets in Ladies powder rooms which have passed through many hands.
  1. Don’t sleep with your make-up on

Cleansing is one of the most important steps in your beauty regime. By cleansing your skin it stays clean and stops pores from becoming blocked, and spots and other impurities from occurring. Therefore don’t go to sleep with your make-up still on. Traces of make-up can irritate eyes and cause skin problems. Remember that a Cleanser is principally meant for cleaning your skin and not for removing make-up. Depending on your make-up, it may be that you need a separate remover for your eye make-up. In general, waterproof products are more difficult to remove and require ‘too harsh’ cleaners which you would rather not have on your skin. In any case, after removing your make-up it is advisable to wash your face with a mild water soluble Cleanser such as the Cleanser by Dr. Jetske Ultee. In this way there will be no cleaning products or traces of make-up left on your skin.
  1. Clean hands, clean brush

Before applying make-up you should first wash your hands. But don’t forget to clean brushes and, if necessary, sponges too. For this you can use a mild cleaning product, such as the Cleanser by Dr. Jetske Ultee. Also don’t forget to keep a check on the ‘use by date’ on the products. Replace foundation after one year, do not use eyeshadow for longer than two years and dispose of a mascara after three to four months.
  1. Mix, match, blend

If your skin goes a shade lighter or darker during the season, you can mix two colours of foundation together. Are your hands clean? Then you can use your fingers for this. Make sure that you blend in your (mixed) foundation properly. And don’t forget that your skin doesn’t stop at your jawline or half way across your cheeks. Prevent brush marks or uneven colour build up, prevent white outlines at the hair line or ears, and in particular, smooth your make-up well in towards your neck. Therefore, use the correct (day) light. Skin analysis Dr. Jetske Ultee Also read: 4 Times Playing with Powder How to Choose the Correct Foundation Shade Our Bronzer and Powder

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