Dr. Jetske Ultee / Uncover Skincare B.V. does not give medical advice nor does it aim to diagnose or treat skin problems or illnesses. If you do have a medical skin problem then consult a doctor or dermatologist. All of the products should be used as directed in the product descriptions on this website. Do not use the products on damaged skin. Stop using a product if it causes irritation (redness, itching, a burning sensation, flaking, discomfort or other symptoms). If you are not satisfied with a product, let us know as soon as possible.
More importantly: Since everyone’s skin can and probably does react to external stimuli at a certain moment, each product can cause a negative reaction on the skin at a certain moment. If you become over sensitive to a certain product stop using it and consult your doctor. If you require medical advice about your skin then consult a doctor or dermatologist.
The information provided by Dr. Jetske Ultee / Uncover Skincare B.V. is not a substitute for a personal consultation with a dermatologist or doctor and should not be interpreted as individual medical advice.