Perfume: the good & the bad
The first week of 2023 is done and dusted. Nothing as good as a brand new year, in which we say goodbye to bad habits so that we can start afresh with renewed strength. I do love the magic of a fresh start. Last week was not wasted on thinking about good intentions that never made it, but about new habits that were achievable and that I’m still sticking to.
Delightful fragrance?
A (bad) habit that I gave up a long time ago are creams containing fragrances. I think I even banished perfume altogether for a while: from fragrance free washing up liquid to throwing away all perfumed candles and fragrance sticks.
The bad
You won’t find any perfume in my range of products either. Why? Perfume on skin and, even more so, in combination with sunlight can accelerate the onset of wrinkles.
And that’s not all, these ingredients are also an allergen for many people: even if such a chemical is in the air it can cause a rash. There is a new law being introduced in which even more perfumes will be added to the official allergen list. (At the present time there is a list of 26 substances you need to be extra cautious about).
The good
Having said that, I began to miss perfume at one point… Not in my skincare, but in my home and around me. As recent research also revealed: a lovely smell (rose scent in the case of this study I refer to) makes one happy. And even relieves stress.
My tips
So, in fact, it’s a habit that – like many others- has benefits and drawbacks. What should we do then? How do you get the right balance? These are my tips:
You’ll be amazed at how much smell eucalyptus produces. I’ve always got a bunch of it in my office. As well as this, jasmine, lavender and roses, of course, produce a delightful smell in the home. You can find basil, mint and rosemary in my kitchen.
A tip for in the bath or washing detergent is a drop of good quality essential oil. My favourite: blue lotus, green and white tea (these aren’t easy to find, I get mine from India), labdanum, rose and lavender.
Now and then I burn incense sticks. Be aware that there is a lot of rubbish that you should stay away from: invest in good, pure incense. I always use Japanese incense, they usually have a more subtle smell.
I spray perfume on my clothes instead of on my skin or hair. I sometimes dab a pure essential oil on my wrist. The risk of allergy or skin irritation is low if the oil comes from a single plant or flower, is properly processed and packaged. It makes me feel better that I know exactly what is in the oil. I sometimes mix different pure essential oils, so that I always have a unique scent that goes with my mood.
I also have a few hydrosols in an atomizer, which are plant extracts dissolved in water. Think of lavender water, rose water and orange blossom water. I spray them on my bedding and use them as a room spray. They are also easy to make yourself, I will let you know how to do that soon. And if that’s too complicated, scented sachets also work very well.
Have you got any tips? Let me know!
Love Jetske.
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