392 posts by Dr. Jetske Ultee

When vitamin C is a no go

It takes a lot to wind me up but one thing can make me immensely annoyed: cosmetics manufacturers who put a high concentration of top selling ingredients (because they are also proven to be effective) in a cream, but in such a way that they are no longer effective and even harmful to skin.

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Water is sacred for your skin

I went to Mexico in search of traditional methods used by the Maya on how to maintain their skin’s beauty. During the trip I found myself in this beautiful cenote, one of the thousands of water filled underwater caves. The cenotes are a sacred place for the Maya. They use the water and worship it in their sacred rituals and ceremonies. Does this water make skin more beautiful?

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nicotinamide mononucleotide
Research into the rejuvenating enzyme

Research in the field of anti-ageing is booming. There are so many new findings! Central to the anti-ageing research is a chemical substance NAD+. This stands for Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide or in simple terms the rejuvenating enzyme. It is a product of vitamin B3.

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sun cream
Study: sun cream is also good for your skin microbiome

Sun cream does more than just protecting your skin against damage from the sun’s rays, according to new research. UV filters, in particular, also protect good skin bacteria and kill bad bugs. That’s even more reason to apply a good sunscreen then!

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Hydration from the inside out

I’ve just got back from an extremely chilly Norway. And I can tell immediately by my skin, I am continuously moisturizing….. Does that sound familiar? Apart from moisturizing, is there something on the inside that can be done to make your skin more resilient to the cold? I’ve been on an information gathering exercise for you.

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Perfume: the good & the bad
Perfume: the good & the bad

The first week of 2023 is done and dusted. Nothing as good as a brand new year, in which we say goodbye to bad habits so that we can start afresh with renewed strength. I do love the magic of a fresh start. Last week was not wasted on thinking about good intentions that never made it, but about new habits that were achievable and that I’m still sticking to.

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Roll on or spray?
Product advice for your deodorant: roll on or spray?

What is best for the skin under your arms? A roll on deodorant or a spray on deodorant? Research has shown that this may matter more than I previously thought…

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My new product is here!
My new product is here! A luxurious, gentle Hand Wash

It’s bizarre really. We put so much effort into good facial care because we want to look younger and more radiant, but aren’t we forgetting something important? Precisely, the hands! We could show them a bit more love. Hands deteriorate first and often give away our true age. So take good care of them! And begin with cleansing. I have extended my skincare line to include a luxurious, gentle Hand Wash for this purpose.

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Good skincare products
My tips on how to choose good skincare products

So much choice…. Do you often find yourself standing in front of the shelf in the pharmacy deliberating about which bottle or jar to buy? My top tip? Check the ingredients list on the product. Because although good ingredients in your skincare do not necessarily ensure perfect skin, poor ingredients will guarantee poor skin. Now I am aware that, for many, an ingredients list can look like gobbledygook. The goods news is: I know a couple of tricks that will guide you, in just a few steps, towards a good quality product.

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A vitamin B5 supplement for spots?

Over the last few months I have been taking a closer look at various B vitamins. It’s fascinating how important these substances actually are for skin, hair and nails. I am staying with the letter B for now because I’d like to tell share more with you about vitamin B5, also known as pantothenic acid. Have you read about it before? This vitamin helps release energy from proteins and fats. Often though, you will also read that a vitamin B5 supplement can help prevent spots. This advice is popular, in particular, among people who frequently exercise, while at the same time suffer with their skin. You will see this quite often and may be for several reasons, for instance, diet, hormones or a combination thereof.

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