In your teenager years you suddenly get spots and blackheads on your face (and maybe on your chest and back). How does this actually happen? And what can you do about it?
What is more important than knowing what to apply, is knowing what not to apply! I receive e-mails daily from people who make skincare mistakes. And belief me, this can lead to big problems. To be honest with you, I have made errors myself… So, in order to save you from any more problems, I have made a list of the biggest skincare mistakes below.
Salicylic Acid; sister of the already discussed Glycolic Acid, is a Beta Hydroxy Acid (BHA) and is obtained from the bark of the Willow tree. Some time ago I wrote a blog about the effects of Glycolic Acid on the skin. As with Glycolic Acid, numerous independent scientific investigations have been carried out proving the effectiveness of this acid.
Only three weeks ago I was beginning to think that Spring would never arrive, but fortunately I was wrong! The sky is blue, I can hear the birds singing once again, the leaves are on the trees and flowers everywhere.
There are some random stories on this subject in circulation. Using anti-wrinkle creams too early will accelerate the skin’s ageing process. Fortunately, in reality, it’s a little more subtle.
Radiant skin thanks to the Exfoliant
You can find this in more of my blogs; exfoliating is a very important part of good skincare. And there is no other product that will give you such fast results! Your skin will have a fresh radiance and an even aspect. But exfoliating needs to be treated carefully, if not then your skin won’t improve at all… As I receive many questions about exfoliating and the lack of good exfoliating products, once again some further explanation together with a few example products below to help you in choosing.
A little while ago I wrote a piece for about Keratosis Pilaris. If you suffer from this skin condition you get lots of small red bumps on your upper arms, face, legs or back. Although it is a harmless skin condition, it can be very frustrating. That evening dress doesn’t make you feel as attractive if your arms look like chicken skin and feel like sand paper! Luckily there is something that can be done about it…
What are milk spots? The official name for them is milia. On the contrary to what many people think, milk spots (milia) have nothing to do with spots or acne. They are commonly confused with blackheads (comedones); through which the pores of the skin are blocked by sebum and dead skin.
The cosmetic industry is, with an annual turnover of around 220 billion dollars, one of the biggest in the world! And it is still growing. I wrote two years ago that the “average woman” uses around 9 products a day, it currently stands at 12. I am noticing though that people have lost their faith in the effectiveness of cosmetic products. It’s a pity, because despite my often critical comments, I believe more than ever in the possibilities of cosmetic products. Searching for your wonder cream…
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