anti wrinkle
Once Again the Anti-Wrinkle Cream…

Here I am again! A bit later than normal, but this time I’ve got a good excuse. You see, I had to go to Miami for the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology. This meeting is held once a year and you really need to attend it if you want to know the latest news in the field of (Cosmetic) Dermatology.

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The Fight against Wrinkles
The Fight against Wrinkles

We spend a fortune in our battle against wrinkles. Even the World wide recession hasn’t stopped us from buying those over-priced pots. I read recently that the sales in cosmetic products was higher in 2011 than before the crisis! Even when there’s not one piece of evidence that those creams can do anything about your wrinkles.

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An Anti-Wrinkle Cream for Young Skin; Clever or Foolish?
An Anti-Wrinkle Cream for Young Skin; Clever or Foolish?

There are some random stories on this subject in circulation. Using anti-wrinkle creams too early will accelerate the skin’s ageing process. Fortunately, in reality, it’s a little more subtle.

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Spending a Fortune on Expensive Creams
Spending a Fortune on Expensive Creams

Have you spent a fortune on expensive creams without any results? Such a waste! Fortunately you really don’t have to spend your whole months salary on unaffordable beauty products with exotic ingredients. You’ll find the “recession” tips for beautiful skin below.

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The Search for the Anti-Wrinkle Cream

Yesterday, in her new programme “van den Elsen wacht op antwoord”, my namesake Jetske van Elsen went in search of the truth behind the anti-wrinkle cream. She also paid me a visit to ask a few questions.

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Wrinkles Forecast the Risk of Bone Fracture
Can Wrinkles Forecast the Risk of Bone Fracture?

I read about a remarkable study by Yale University in Boston. A couple of months ago Dr. Lubna Pal (Professor in gynecology, obstetrics and fertility) discovered that the more wrinkles someone has in the first years after starting their menopause, the worse their bone quality is.

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Wrinkles Due to Obesity?
Wrinkles Due to Obesity?

Hielke and Sietse van de Kameleon, the de Boer brothers, the Olsen twins; remains fascinating that two pretty much identical people can exist in the World! Actually my fascination for twins has never gone much further than reading fun books about twins and my horoscope in one of the Dentist’s waiting room magazines. It is quite different for Dr. Darrick E. Antell. This plastic surgeon has made the study of twins his lifetime work. Thanks to his efforts we know that a major proportion of skin ageing is influenced by factors that are not in your genes but are “external”. His studies have shown us how quickly your skin ages by the sun, through smoking and now…through obesity.

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Old Skin from Running?
Old Skin from Running?

There is nothing better after a hectic day than running off all the stress in the fresh air. And my day is set up when, early in the morning while the dew is still on the grass I have been for an equally satisfying “meditative” run . At least that was, before my pleasure was broken by the statement given by one Dennis Grossman, an American Plastic Surgeon and writer of “Your Future Face’. He noticed that his patients who jogged had older skin than the patients who didn’t jog:

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The Battle against Wrinkles: No Time to Waste

If there is one collective ideology amongst women (and a lot of men) that exists, then it is the wish to grow old beautifully. In other words; we do want the wisdom but not the saggy skin, pigment spots and the deep lines. A bit more Audrey Hepburn and a bit less Bardot…

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Ageing behind Glass!
Ageing behind Glass!

Did you always love that feeling of the sun’s rays on your face through the window, then I’m going to throw a spanner in the works again ! Ageing behind glass is a very real prospect! If your work desk, for instance, is facing the sun, then the chances are that you may look like this lady after a few years. This Italian secretary worked for fifteen years with one side of her face exposed to the sun. And look at the result; the left side is 20 years older than the right side!!! Although UVB is blocked by glass, UVA passes straight through it. You should think about this if you do a lot of driving for your work….

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