• Biotin

Biotin for beautiful skin. Plus a delicious lunch recipe

I think first and foremost that food should be enjoyed. But it would be a bonus if the food is also good for you. So, on today’s menu is vitamin B8. Doesn’t ring a bell? And if I now say biotin…? Yes, an important substance for your skin, hair and nails.

How does biotin (vitamin B8) benefit your skin and hair?

The recipe below is absolutely bursting with biotin (vitamin B8), approximately 73% of the daily recommended amount. That’s great because, even though it is not as well-known as vitamin A, C and D, it is nevertheless an essential vitamin. In fact the body needs biotin in order to release energy from food. The vitamin also plays an important role in the normal functioning of your nervous system, skin and hair. A deficiency will eventually be apparent in your skin. It can turn red and flake. Biotin is also important for your hair. It has been proven that this vitamin is necessary for strong hair, normal hair growth and the maintenance of shiny hair.

The recommended daily amount of biotin for an adult is 40 micrograms. The recipe below contains almost three quarters of that daily amount.

Lunch: salmon cucumber and egg on toast

– Two pieces of toast
– Olive oil butter
– Slices of smoked salmon (63 gram) = 3,69 micrograms B8
– Slices of cucumber
– Two boiled eggs (94 gram) = 20 micrograms B8
– Sliced mushrooms (20 gram) = 0,43 micrograms B8

Boil two eggs and leave to cool. Fry the mushrooms in a little olive oil. Remove the shells from the eggs and slice.
Meanwhile toast* the wholemeal bread and spread the olive oil butter. Top the toast with the salmon, egg, cucumber and mushrooms.

Enjoy your meal!
*Toasting bread causes a lower glycaemic index, which means that your blood sugar does not rise as quickly after eating.


Handful of peanuts (28 grams) = 4,91 micrograms B


Which foods contain biotin?

So, biotin is not only found in salmon, cucumber, eggs and mushrooms, but you can also find this vitamin in many other foods. The table below shows you where.

Food per portion Biotin (B8) % of the recommended daily amount adults (40 micrograms/day)
Chicken liver cooked (74 grams) * 138 micrograms 345%
Beef liver cooked (74 grams) * 30,8 micrograms 77%
1 boiled egg (47 grams) 10 micrograms 25%
Tinned salmon (63 grams) 3,69 micrograms 9,2%
Almonds (handful; ~30 grams) 1,32 micrograms 3,3%

Source: Nutritional value biotin
*Liver is not for everyone but, nevertheless, I want to show you that this organ contains a lot of biotin. By the way, you have to be careful with liver when you are pregnant, because it also contains a lot of vitamin A. That is why you should limit your intake if you are expecting a baby.
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