• christmas

A Wonderful Christmas!

In the Christmas Wish to my team I wrote that my business is also my child, but what has become clear this year is that we all share the parenting duties, because everyone has worked extremely hard! In 2014 my research foundation “Skinwiser” has come a step further and we have embarked on a number of big investigations, have developed a super research lab, are busy developing new products, have a new design for my product line and blog, numerous interviews and presentations have been given and the most important of all: we have been able to give advice to hundreds of people about their skin. Although I have always written my blog, this time I would like to let my team do it. I’ve asked them to tell you how they are going to manage to sparkle this Christmas and New Year.

Wouke (graphic designer):
Is Christmas Dinner going to be at yours? Have a look at Pinterest under the search term ‘Christmas table’. And if you search ‘Christmas fashion’ or just look under the category ‘women’s’ clothes’ you will find enough ideas for a smashing outfit! You are going to sparkle from all the compliments you will receive

Getty (general manager):
With a smile and some time for your loved ones I think you will definitely sparkle your way through Christmas!

Deborah (skin specialist):
I, myself, have slightly oily skin so quickly get a shine. My must have for during the long, cosy Christmas evenings is a matt powder which I apply onto my T zone.

Dagmar (skin specialist and research assistant):
I use a blush on my (light) Indonesian skin tone every day. At Christmas I apply it more fully. As my eyes are on the small side applying eyeliner to the top lid is a good trick, it makes your eyes look bigger! I also like to use a product with light reflecting particles on accentuated areas (highlighter). This will make your face radiant in no time.

Sanne (assistant manager):
With my Rosacea I always have a redder complexion. I use a BB cream to camouflage the redness. I cannot wait for Jetske’s foundation to come out!

Matthijs (researcher):
The only man in the office so from me a tip for the men. Visiting the family unshaven will not be received gratefully. Use the Toner for normal to oily skin after shaving. It is the ideal aftershave. No more irritation after shaving!

Marieke (medical student and busy bee):
As soon as Sinterklaas has left the building I get the decorations down from the attic. That’s how I always enjoy my Christmas.

Annelies (skin therapist and research assistant):
What can make a difference to a dull, grey complexion is the use of an Exfoliant. For the face I always advise an Exfoliant with an acid base: Glycolic Acid and Salicylic Acid are my favourites.

And my own tips to finish! The most important thing you can do to give your face a fresh and radiant appearance is exfoliate, and, just like Annelies, I use Glycolic Acid, Salicylic Acid and Vitamin A Acid for this. Dead skin cells make your skin very dull. I also use my own products with Vitamin C and Niacinamide. These substances really help my skin stay strong, relaxed and even. On Christmas Eve I apply Vaseline or a good oil over the top of my Moisturizer. Then I know that my skin will be well hydrated the following day. As it is becoming clearer from research how stress, insufficient sleep and bad diet has an impact on the skin I try and sleep for longer and take extra care with my food. A long walk on Christmas Day followed by a Hot Chocolate in front of the fire cannot be beaten by a blusher! I don’t do stress at Christmas any more, isn’t the most important thing being with the ones you love? I don’t need a stuffed turkey for that…

I wish you all a Merry Everything and a Happy Always!

Kind regards,


(Dr. Jetske Ultee – Research Physician Cosmetic Dermatology)