
A lily white skin. You can find many stories in history books about this ‘ideal’. It was not only in the Georgian times, when wigs and white faces were fashionable, that people strived for a pale smooth face, but even long before this.

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Melasma: Ascorbic Acid Versus Hydroquinone
Melasma: Ascorbic Acid Versus Hydroquinone

One in five consultations with the Cosmetic Dermatologist is about pigment spots. Pigment spots can be stubborn and can make you look (maybe even more so than wrinkles) older than you actually are. If you see all the “enlightening” products available on the shelves you ‘ll be fooled into thinking that these annoying spots are simple to get rid of.

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laser treatments
Laser Treatments and Creams

Professional enthusiast, cosmetics addict, research ‘nerd’; all apply to me! What I would like to achieve from my rapidly developing work/hobby is that consumers will look more critically at their cosmetic products and understand how skincare really “works”.

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An Exfoliant as Part of the Step-By-Step Plan

I have explained earlier in my blog about the function and effects of an exfoliant. There are a number of cosmetic ingredients that exfoliate the skin. Well known ingredients are glycolic acid, lactic acid and salicylic acid. There is no wonder cream available, but an exfoliant does come close.

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Vitamin C

Vitamin C is one of the most studied cosmetic ingredients. There is enough well established and independent research which shows that vitamin C really works. But what does it do exactly? We already know that vitamin C is an important part of our diet.

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Glycolic Acid
Glycolic Acid

One of the cosmetic ingredients which has been proven to work is glycolic acid. There are numerous independent and scientific studies which have been published about the effectiveness of glycolic acid (abstract).

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Different Types of Pigmentation
Different Types of Pigmentation

A short while ago I wrote about pigment spots in my blog, along with an illustration made by Dr. D’lynn Waldron to show that it is not only wrinkles that make you look older! If you have just had Botox, laser treatment and peelings in the fight against wrinkles, you can just add another couple of years on for those unsightly pigment spots on your face…Which different types of pigmentation are there?

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Niacinamide B3
Niacinamide (Nicotinamide)

Last week I wrote about lavender and that I’d rather have it in my garden than on my face. Niacinamide, also known as vitamin B3, is an ingredient that I do really like using, and also recommend to people. But what does it actually do?

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