I am allowed to say this four times. It’s maybe a bit overwhelming to hear, though, if you have your new born baby in your arms.
Parabens are deemed to be safe, found in food and cause very few allergic reactions. This all sounds very positive so far, so why the controversy? You only have to surf the internet to see the negative comments about parabens. Paraben free products are also on the increase. So why is this?
Skin cancer is becoming increasingly common. It is the fastest growing cancer and each year there are tens of thousands of new cases. Sunlight is the biggest factor. I will explain below how a failure in cell growth can initiate early skin cancer: suspicious areas on the skin.
Previously I wrote that perfume is not meant to go on skin. Worse still, it is the number 1 allergen in skincare products. Above all it can cause premature skin ageing.
I received a mail concerning babycare skin products after my story was read in a national newspaper. It was someone who had noticed that the products she used for her children contained irritants. Because I have four young children I am always scrutinizing ingredient lists on baby products. To my amazement it appears that there are a large number of baby products that are far from mild. It is also not so surprising then, that the number of skin problems amongst young children is rapidly rising.
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