• There is no such thing as a healthy tan!

A Healthy Tan

Everyone knows that burning is not good for your skin. There is clear evidence of a link between burning and the most dangerous form of skin cancer melanoma. Did you know that if you have suffered with sunburn as a child then the risk of getting melanoma increases by 50%. But is getting a tan also bad for you? Does a healthy tan exist?

“There is no such thing as a healthy tan!”

The World Health Organisation says in plain language: “There is no such thing as a healthy tan!” Our skin becomes brown, through the damage caused by UV rays, in order to protect our DNA from further damage. However lovely that tan may be, it is in natural terms no more than a sign that the body is protecting itself, by reacting, against damage to its genetic material. There is a safe alternative; smear a self tanner on. In the last few years the quality of these products has improved greatly. Nowadays, you really no longer have to walk around with a blotchy orange face. You get the best results if you use it in combination with an exfoliant (glycolic acid or salicylic acid based products). And don’t forget to wash your hands afterwards…

Regards Jetske.

(Dr Jetske Ultee –Research Physician Cosmetic Dermatology)

You can read more about the protection factor in make-up products and the effects of applying insufficient sun cream.

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